My Poetry

  • Loving Silently

She finds herself crying tears
Because she realizes that she’s in love
But she’s afraid to let him know how she feels
Not wanting to loose their bond
Everyday she realizes that her love grows stronger by his actions
When her only satisfaction is for him to feel the same way
But here she is day after day getting weak over him
Because she has developed this feeling called love
So instead of taking a risk
Here she is loving in silence.

  • The Difficulties of a Teenager

Death surrounds her thoughts. Her life seems pointless.
There’s no turning back from the betrayals, suffering, and lies.
She’s crying out, but no one hears her cries.
These illusions of her wanting to be loved by the one who stole her heart,
But he left her to pity herself and her heart torn apart
So now, what should she do?

Here he is, sinking into the depth of society.
People telling him to let go of his dope boy ambitions,
But his only mission is to hustle his way out of the hood to better himself,
But his hustling ways are misunderstood by the society we are living in.
He is told to be a man, but is resented because of the color of his skin
So now, what should he do?

Lying on the bathroom floor-soul scarred
Her problems become endless, emotions full of resentless feelings
A violated victim of unwanted kisses and touches
Realizing that it is too much to bear, so happiness is the mask that she wears
To cover up the undeniable pain that keeps her from going insane, but this can no longer go on.
So now, what should she do?

At the age of eighteen, with no future ahead, the only choices presented to him is being in prison or being dead.
Dope and crack surrounds his soul. The drugs seep into his body,
Taking control over his mind. His darkened eyes tell his story of his deceptions and lost glory.
So now, what should he do?

Her body leads to a destination of corruption
Being with child at the age of seventeen by the one she thought was so true
Leaving her with no clue,
So now he leaves her with the question, “What should I do?”
She walks with her head down, full of shame, knowing that there is no one to blame
As she sits down and reads the application that determines her life,
Knowing that she is about to sign her soul away.
She is confused about the abuse that she has done to herself and her child.
So now, what should she do?

Perceptions come from those who chose to criticize teens
They tear down hopes of us becoming redeemed
But who are they to judge us from only what they’ve seen
They think that what we all go through is only for attention
But they don’t understand that the world in which we live is made up of three dimensions. But they don’t listen.
So now, what should we do?

  • The Life of the Corrupted Child                                          
I grew up with no family, no friends to call my own
The streets raised me, but at times I felt alone
The bruises and scars told the brutality of my life
I knew nothing because I was only taught to get drunk and get high
The only way to make my living was to sell myself for a buck
Until three letters destroyed my body due to my unworthy luck
Not worried about my future, I lost myself in this world
I became a woman so quickly, that I never had the chance to enjoy being a little girl
I am a victim of a statistic, something I didn’t want to become
An unsuccessful little black girl from the hood with damage already done
Stares and whispers seem to follow everywhere I go
People looking down on me and calling me a hoe
People say just keep the faith, but I lost that way back
Because if there was a God, he wouldn’t have put me on this track
This track of life that only leads to destruction and immortal pain
So I sniff this substance that blocks everything away and keep me sane
My body is destroyed from razor cuts and needles
I just wanted all the pain to go away, and that was my way of healing
My body is tainted. Self-being not of value.
I allowed myself to become mistreated, troubled, and misused
And to imagine; I’m only seventeen.
Is it too late for a corrupted child’s life to be redeemed?